Friday, February 8, 2013

Bucket List

I'm still thinking about that bucket list stuff and going back through the photos I have on the lap top. I've come up with some shots of people and places that mean a lot to me. I may supplement them with some on the other computer but I can't go back to the real past without scanning old shots in and I doubt that is going to ever happen so these are from the immediate past.

The west is my home now but I have seen so little of it - does that make it new or old?

Europe holds my attention. I have loved it since my first trip. I REALLY need to show Mick the Netherlands.
Friends from my past and present are so important. 

I had a chance to visit with many family and friends on my trip east and it meant so much to me. It is going to take a while to recover from all the running around to do this but it was so worth it.

Water and coast stuff - any coast.

There have been so many beaches in my life and I can never get enough of them.
Family fun and celebrations have been great and I will have more of that!!!!

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