Sunday, January 27, 2013

No Time

Ok, this isn't quite Eldora and nobody has snow like this this season but we can pretend.

Mick and I went skiing for a few hours today and he said I am looking so good. It has made me think "Well I have a limited time now to perfect this silly stuff, so I had better get to work". I still have the rest of my life to do this but when you are told that "the rest of" has probably just gotten shorter it has made me think about what I really want. I want to ski as long as I can physically do it and I want to continue to get better. 

Tuck asked me yesterday "What's on your bucket list" and after thinking about it for a bit I realized I want to go back. I want to see special people from my past and go to places I've been to before and loved ('cept for New Zealand - haven't gotten there yet). I don't have a drive to fit it all in but want more special times and review parts of my life that mean so much to me.

1 comment:

  1. Is coming to our house for dinner still on you bucket list? I hope so.

    Love Claudia


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