Friday, January 18, 2013

Rain Cloud Stay Away

I am so glad the road I am on isn't heading into the rain. 

Cuba isn't in the picture right now, so sad. I got the results of my CT scan the afternoon before our planned departure and the scan wasn't clean. Jenny sent me to the hospital immediately for a brain MRI in case there might be a problem in Cuba. That scan came back clean (I do have a brain) but after talking it all over with Mick we decided we wouldn't have much fun traveling with this question hanging over us. We decided to stay home and get the answers sooner rather than later.

We are off on the diagnosis course again, F^*%#%$#! I am going to keep this image in my head as I face the future, take the clear sunny path. Today it is time for a PT scan and hopefully it will be more accurate than my last one that showed no activity when there was cancer in my lymph system. After today's test I will have another needle biopsy to get the final answers.

I really never thought I'd be dealing with this again - so soon especially. It will be different because I know more what to expect with the treatment process. I will probably have chemo and infusions of bisphosphonates for my bones. I didn't want to share this info before I had definitive information but I can't write about anything else.


  1. I think your honesty and sharing are trailblazing. I think you know perhaps better than anyone I know, how to make the most joy day-to-day. Looking forward to each end everyone we share. Love you, Den

  2. I'm also impressed, Mar, with your openness, and full of admiration and sympathetic anger. So glad you are staying in touch. Sorry about Cuba. I'm sure you will you keep doing the right thing.
    Mary Jane


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