Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Blank Easel

Well, one of the good things that happened around my ski accident is that the insurance company wanted to give me more money than I asked for. I just wanted them to cover my medical expenses but they wanted to give me more - how could I say no.

It has allowed me to splurge on a few things "I've always wanted" but never got, such as this easel. I put it together today and it is quite intimidating. I feel like I REALLY have to produce now. I've heard about people not being able to deal with a blank canvas and this seems to produce the same feeling. It is such a grown-up piece of equipment.

It will allow me to paint canvases taller than the ceiling in my studio. New studio????

Isn't it a beauty?


  1. Last time I commented it disappeared in cyberspace. Trying again--I'm so determined to influence the continuance of these bright spots in my day that I will fight with the technology that enables that. The easel promises incredible opportunities to play. Looking forward to seeing the results. And, we KNOW there will be results worth looking at!

  2. Thanks Den, you are getting through.


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