Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Big Step

Sorry I don't have any pictures to prove it but I hiked up to Isabelle Lake today. After our hikes in Hawaii I tried to decide what hike I might be able to do here, at elevation. Isabelle is an easy hike with only 354" elevation gain - but you are starting at 10,500 ". The pines smelled so yummy and there were still "wildflowers". We saw two dandelions and one little sweetie that looked like a buttercup. I tried out my new Five Finger Trekers and they were great 'cept for the snow, ice and cold water on the trail. My poor toes are still so cold with the neuropothy they didn't appreciate the real reason to be cold.

I had to come home and nap and will probably feel sore tomorrow but it was so worth it!

1 comment:

  1. It was a great season. So neat to see the progression of the kids and how they interrupt the game. Getting better and better each year. Ty is a natural, like his dad. Thanks for posting pics, Grammy. xoxo


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