Saturday, August 25, 2012

Hot Time in Ned

We had a beautiful day in Colorado for the sixth stage of the US Pro Challenge which went right through beautiful downtown Nederland. We were all out in our green t-shirts to support our "townie" Timmy Duggan. Timmy is also the US Pro champion and he was on the Olympic cycling team that finished fourth. Here is a very talented young cyclist and I know him and his family!!! Way cool.

The green shirts gathering outside the Mining Museum.
Dawn, our stupendous pizza maker is hard at work.
Billy is being his charming self.
We get serious about having clean street fort the riders.

Kay (she goes with Billy above) is sharing a laugh with her pizza eating friend.
A little street art to support Timmy.
Timmy leading the breakaway into town.
The peloton coming through town.
Got a flat, need a tire... At the end of the peloton.
Tim and Lauren's dog who was a little stressed having so many people in her house.
Lee's (mother-in-law) great smile, watching the race.
The enraptured audience at Timmy and Lauren's house.
Another group in the kitchen watching. That's Lauren, Mick hiding behind the sunflowers and Rich (father-in-law) along with the funky chicken in the red striped suit.
The room cleared after Timmy finished - FIFTH!!!! Go Timmy.

 It was a very exciting day here in our little town. Timmy not only finished fifth today, he is 22 overall. I must thank Lauren for opening up their home for us to see the finish of the race.

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