Saturday, August 3, 2013

Rana Roha

We were really in the jungle and I wish I had taken more pictures of it. We stayed in a stilted cabin and got around on elevated walkways. We had just missed a troop of Capuchin monkeys that passed through before we got there but we were greeted by some howlers. I have a great video of them, their sound is amazing, but I can't figure out how to get my videos into a format to upload to the blog.

The howlers at dusk. I WILL figure out how to get videos on my blog so you can hear them. Not what you might expect.

This is a Rana Roja.

Stages of coconut. If you ever have the chance to have some coconut milk from the coconut - DO! It is so yummy and loaded with the milk because the fruit is immature and hasn't developed the meat yet.

A great looking bird but I don't know what kind.

This is a neighboring cabin that looked like ours.

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