Thursday, August 8, 2013


Alice thinks older cousins are so cool.

And the rain comes down from the sky. We'll have lots of time to study it this week, munchkin.

A nightly ritual was going into Oma's room, listening to the iPod and going through her jewelry drawer. She usually came out looking more glamorous and this night she found the headlamp.

I just love it when your braces match your shirt, Ty.

Carson, you so look like a beach bum.

Looks like they got you Ty.

I can't be shrinking.
Poor Carson with his ear infection.

Alice's first taste of Coke. Loved the flavor but the bubbles??

It was also her first pony tail - such a hot day.

Little bodies can get into the best spaces.


  1. We loved spending time with little darn sweet! And, her little chubby cheeks...loved those little cheeks!!


  2. Alice fell in love with her amazing cousins pretty fast I'd say!


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