Thursday, July 18, 2013

CR Day 1, stage 2

The following consists of photos on the way to Monteverde, CR. It is a rain forest/cloud forest area at about 3,000 feet which is high for here but not for us.

One of the most amazing tent sites I've ever seen but it was taken for the night.

 Shortly after I took this photo, we passed this fellow on the side of the road with his dog. As we went by he said "ride" and we stopped. I did wonder what we would do with the dog but... Well we couldn't figure out how to unlock the back door so I climbed into the back and he got into the front. The dog you ask, well the dog ran with the car all the way up the hill. It was fun but we wished we knew more spanish because this fellow had a lot to say.

The road was narrow, dirt and had its share of pot holes but no washboard like we have at home. This is just a van but we also met up with and were passed by full size busses and trucks.

Into the cloud forest.

Hey, we paid for a room with a view of the ocean - dang cloud forest!

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