Thursday, March 28, 2013

Nothing is Easy Now

And that includes getting a stupid picture of my teeth. I give up after 45 min.of trying to make this work - so stand on your head if you really want to see it right! 

NOW I have a toothache. Turns out I have an abscess and will need another root canal on that tooth. Mick had done a root canal, post and crown on it many years ago. We met with an endodontist yesterday (I like him) but we have to wait till Jenny returns next week from Cuba before any treatment schedule is finalized. Nothing is simple any more. I was scheduled to have chemo next Wednesday and he wanted to do the endo on Tuesday before chemo but the covering oncologist thinks it would be better to put the chemo off a week before my blood counts drop while the tooth is healing, whew. Then there is the issue of having any dental work because the bisphosphonates (bone strengthening drug) they are giving me can cause necrosis (death) of the bone - often jaw bones.

It is nice to take my personal dentist along for these appts and I think he likes to get some dentist talk in, too.

On the good side - I found my lost camera today!!!!! I lost it over the weekend and have been really upset about it. We tore the car apart, checked on the condo we rented, shook out every piece of clothing I had packed at least a million times and no camera. We decided to go skiing today and there was a funny cord hanging out of my ski boot - the camera! It must have slipped out of my suitcase and right into the boot when I was changing shoes in the car. Good thing I didn't end the season over the weekend.

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