Friday, December 28, 2012

Art in Ned

I have just hung a show of my art at the Nederland Community Library. We have a beautiful new building and there are changing exhibits quarterly. My show was delayed about a year and I am glad because my art has been evolving a lot during that time. For those of you who are near - please come in to see it in person and for those afar, please enjoy the photographs.

These two great you as you enter the building.

These are on the opposite wall along the corridor.


This piece is on the wall of the Community Room
facing the corridor.


The three shots above are the walls in the
Community Room.


  1. Wow. I hadn't seen most of those. I really like the new color pallet! More pastel like colors. Congrats on the show!

  2. Wow!
    You've been busy!
    Great stuff!
    You've taken your art work to a whole new level!
    your old art major friend
    mary ann

  3. These are beautiful and must be doubly so in person! Dad still has one of your paintings. I believe it's blackout NY. Love it and, as his executor, eventually it will be mine :)

  4. I have a vague memory of that painting. Soooo long ago.


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