Monday, December 31, 2012


2012 was a windy path for me. Full of ups and downs, adventures, growth, setbacks and renewed health even tho the body isn't quite renewed yet!

My last time playing it the snow for last winter.
I spent far too much time looking like this in
some form or other.

Teague and Meagan became parents.
DAMP (Peggy, me, Anne and Denise) had a reunion when I went east to welcome Alice.
A beautiful bobcat entertained us by getting in and out of the window well.
I received SO many gifts, prayers and well wishes from family and friends this year that helped
keep me positive and strong.

We said good by (for now) to my mothersisterfriend. 
I miss you Betty, Jane, Elizabeth or whatever you are called now.
Kris and mom

Tim and mom

Alice had her first cupcake.
I was able to get to a couple of Ty's soccer games
in the spring.
Everyone at the cancer center was wonderful, especially the therapy dogs.
Alice took dancing lessons before she could walk.

I sold my first painting to a stranger in Colorado!
Carson still has more hair than me.   

Then there was the bear visit when he pulled down the hummingbird feeders, opened the car door and drooled on the door.

The Colorado Pro Bike Tour came through Nederland and Timmy Duggan, who lives in Ned, led the race. 
Tanner began his new career as a real estate salesman.

Jacque came out of retirement and won the Emerald cup again.
Mick finished his work of art!
I spent another week in Taos with Gwenn.
Grampa/jaju gets to meet Alice.
We finally got to Hawaii. This was the carrot I hung out after I was diagnosed.
Bill and Teri were our playmates in Hawaii. Some people know how to enhance a photo!
Mick is having a hard time with Quiddler
and beach chair.
I've begun painting on canvas.
The view from Lookout Road - on a bike ride.
Sunrise elk
Lots of family for Thanksgiving.
A new way to play.
Alice met that hairy old fellow and didn't like it - can you tell?
I am back on the slopes.

Techno Christmas
You call these things books? 

I finished the year by hanging a show of my work at the Nederland Library.

Thanks to all my wonderful family and friends who got me through the past year. 

Here's for a wonderful and healthy 2013!


  1. Absolutely LOVE it.....what a great way to share your year. Also love that you are painting and showing your beautiful work. I am so honored to be part of your life.
    Wishing you perfect health and a year filled with Smiles.

    love and hugs

  2. Excellent Recap! Its been a long year, hoping for 2013 to be filled with good health, lots of bike rides, some climbing and the strong beautiful grammy that we all know and love keeping up right behind us! Here's to it! Happy New Year! xoxox

  3. Nice look back. Here's to an even better 2013.

  4. Wishing you a boring New Year. No accidents, injuries, hospitals, treatmemts,......scratch that. May all your injuries be achieved as you follow your passions! may you and Mick be blessed with endless opportunities to do that following--and may some of them be here. Love you.

  5. Alice is beautiful -- and so is your new art -- and your new hairstyle. After a hellish (because of the disease) and wonderful (because of your recovery) year, you seem stronger and more determined than ever to embrace life and its challenges. Now, more than ever, you are my inspiration. Love, Marilynn
    January 3, 2013


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