Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Good Drugs, Bad Drugs

Ugggg, and I don't mean the boots. This chemo is beginning to be real and than God for anti-nausea drugs. They do help and I learned queasy bellies should be considered nausea bellies and I should have been taking them all last week, too.

Then there is the good drug/bad drug. My new cough medicine is helping with the cough but is a big upper - so I can't get to sleep.

Then there are the 8:15 a.m. radiation appointments this week that I haven't bee on time for because the blasted wind, and I do mean blasted/blasting wind keeps drifting the snow in the driveway. It is supposed to last another day. Right now we have had to park at the end of the driveway because the length of it is either scoured to dirt or has concrete waves tow or three feet deep. Packed so hard you don't sink when you walk on them. Remember your first visit Chris? Think worse. When I tried to walk up from the car today, the wind was probably 40-50 mph blowing snow (really ice crystals) and sand blasting your skin. I have actually felt the house shake for the first time. Gotta love it.

Then there was feeling sorry for myself last night. I felt so good and normal Monday and Tuesday morning, a rare occasion since last November, then the chemo hit again.

So enough of my bitchin - I'm gunna go read.

Just needed a little summer.


  1. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I didn't want to be annonymous! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (This time I will try to remember to sign my name. :))

  3. Snow? What's that? haven't seen the white stuff all winter....lovin' it back East. Your prezzie from CR should arrive any day now to brighten your spirits. Much love, Ter


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